

This feature is new in Brick v1.3

Brick provides a basic but flexible model for describing meters, submeter hierarchies, and their relationships to the building. Meters are equipment (they are subclasses of the Brick Equipment class) that measure the consumption or production of energy, steam, gas or other “substances” in the building. The data produced by meters can be found in instances of the Brick Point class that are associated with the Meter. These include power, energy, water and gas consumption sensors and the like.

Meter Data#

Meters can host several points which correspond to the data produced by the meter. These point instances are related to the meter via the brick:isPointOf relationship. See [[metadata/entity-properties]] for some examples of how those points can be described. (The meter can also be related to the point via the brick:hasPoint relationship).

bldg:building_energy_sensor a brick:Energy_Sensor ;
    brick:hasUnit unit:KiloW-HR ;
    brick:isPointOf bldg:main-meter ;
    brick:timeseries [ brick:hasTimeseriesId "a7523b08-7bc7-4a9d-8e88-8c0cd8084be0" ] .

bldg:building_peak_demand a brick:Peak_Power_Demand_Sensor ;
    brick:aggregate [ brick:aggregationFunction "max" ;
            brick:aggregationInterval "RP1D" ] ;
    brick:hasUnit unit:KiloW ;
    brick:isPointOf bldg:main-meter ;
    brick:timeseries [ brick:hasTimeseriesId "bcf9a85d-696c-446a-a2ac-97207ecfbc56" ] .

bldg:building_power_sensor a brick:Electric_Power_Sensor ;
    brick:hasUnit unit:KiloW ;
    brick:isPointOf bldg:main-meter ;
    brick:timeseries [ brick:hasTimeseriesId "fd64fbc8-0742-4e1e-8f88-e2cd8a3d78af" ] .

bldg:mybldg a brick:Building ;
    brick:isMeteredBy bldg:main-meter .
bldg:main-meter a brick:Building_Electrical_Meter .

Meters and Submeters#

Meters are instances of the brick:Meter class or any of its subclasses. Submeter hierarchies are defined through the brick:hasSubMeter and brick:isSubMeterOf relationships. In fact, meters can only be related to each other via these relationships.

:building_meter a brick:Building_Meter ;
    brick:hasSubMeter :floor-meter-1, :floor-meter-2 .
:floor-meter-1 a brick:Meter .
:floor-meter-2 a brick:Meter .


Brick does not describe the nature of the submeter relationship – only that it exists. If this is a problem, let us know!

To ask for the immediate submeters of a particular meter, one can query the model as follows:

    :building_meter brick:hasSubMeter ?submeter .

or more generally, for all immediate parent/child submeter relationships:

SELECT ?meter ?submeter WHERE {
    ?meter rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* brick:Meter .
    ?meter brick:hasSubmeter ?submeter .

One can also ask for all meters that aren’t submeters of any other meter. Assuming the Brick model is correct, this will avoid double counting:

    ?meter rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* brick:Meter .
    FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?meter brick:isSubMeterOf ?parent }

Virtual Meters#

It is useful to be able to model “virtual” meters which do not have a physical presence in the building. Brick supports modeling “virtual” meters using the brick:isVirtualMeter Entity Property. This property can only be “true” for instances of brick:Meter or subclasses thereof.

:my_virtual_meter a brick:Electrical_Meter ;
    brick:isVirtualMeter [ brick:value true ] .

By default, virtual meters look exactly like physical meters so no queries need to be changed if you don’t care about the distinction between them. It is also possible to query only virtual meters:

   ?meter rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* brick:Meter ;
          brick:isVirtualMeter/brick:value true .

or to query only meter which are not virtual meters

   ?meter rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* brick:Meter .
   FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?meter brick:isVirtualMeter/brick:value true ] }

Associating Meters#

Meters can be associated with the entities that they are metering through the brick:meters / brick:isMeteredBy relationships. These entities can be instances of brick:Equipment, brick:Location or brick:Collection.

Metering brick:Equipment: useful when the Meter is measuring the consumption/production of a single Equipment instance.

:chiller-1 a brick:Chiller ;
    brick:isMeteredBy :chiller-meter .
:chiller-meter rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* brick:Electric_Meter .

Metering brick:Locations: useful when the Meter is measuring the consumption/production of many entities within a single location, e.g. a building or floor or room.

:floor-1 a brick:Floor ;
    brick:isLocationOf :camera-1, :camera-2 ;
    brick:isMeteredBy :floor-meter .
:floor-meter rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* brick:Electric_Meter .
:camera-1 a brick:Camera .
:camera-2 a brick:Camera .

Metering brick:Collections: useful when the Meter is measuring the consumption/production of many entities that are not necessarily grouped by location. Recall that a brick:Collection is a named group of entities. This could represent the equipment in a particular air loop, in a particular chilled water system, all of the devices owned by a particular individual, or any other organization.

# pv generation systems and pv_arrays are both collections
:pv_generation_system a brick:PV_Generation_System ;
    brick:hasPart :array1 ;
    brick:isMeteredBy :pv_meter .
:array1 a brick:PV_Array .
:panel11 a brick:PV_Panel ;
    brick:isPartOf :array1 ;
    brick:panelArea [ brick:hasUnit unit:M2 ;
            brick:value "5"^^xsd:double ] .
:panel12 a brick:PV_Panel ;
    brick:isPartOf :array1 .
:pv_meter   rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf*   brick:Electrical_Meter .

Querying these patterns#

Brick makes it possible to identify all meters associated with any entity in the Brick model:

    ?entity brick:isPartOf*/brick:isMeteredBy ?meter .
    ?meter rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* brick:Meter .